June 2023 Community Newsletter
Annual Meeting
Thank you to all who participated in the annual meeting. The newly elected Board of Directors are: Monica Braun, Victor Falco, Michael Huffaker, Kara DeVan, and Jim Hatter. As we schedule meetings, they will be posted on the community event calendar19 clicks online. If anyone has a topic they would like to bring before the Board or have them consider, please send it in advance to hoa@brightoncorp.com2 clicks.
Garage Sale Saturday
This year’s Spring sale is set for this weekend, Saturday, June 10th, from 8am-5pm. You are welcome to start and stop as you please. Each resident that wants to participate should set their items in the driveway the day of the sale and clean up the same day when finished. If you have left over items you can donate to a local youth ranch, Savers, or call St. Vincent de Paul, as they will sometimes do pickups. You can also coordinate with the trash services for any additional pickups. We’ve placed an ad in the Idaho Statesman, and will post signs at the entrances. We encourage residents to post on social media and also put out their own directional signs on the day of. Good luck to everyone participating!
4Th of July Parade
Join us for the Homestead Community 4th of July Bike Parade again! We have Holland Bites coffee truck and La Crepe Boise showing up around 8:30am, so neighbors can come out socialize and eat/drink. The parade starts at 10am. Decorate your bike, scooter, or wagon and meet at the Gazebo on W. Old World St. No golf carts or electric vehicles, please. We hope to see you there!!
Please remember to use caution when lighting fireworks, keeping them away from neighboring homes and roofs. We also ask that neighbors be courteous to each other and surrounding pets who may not enjoy the holiday as much. If you choose to use legal fireworks, here are some great tips from the National Safety Council.
Whom Do I Call?
Have you ever thought this? Well, here are some tips on who to call for certain topics:
- Vandalism, Theft, Speeding, Underage Drivers, Curfew Issues, Noise after 10pm: call 208-377-6790.
- Irrigation, Neighbor Concern: Ann Marie Baird, Brighton, 208-287-0514 or email hoa@brightoncorp.com.
- Animal Complaints: Idaho Humane Society 208-343-3166, or aco@idahohumanesociety.org.
Golf Carts
Please keep motorized golf carts, scooters, dirt bikes, and the like OFF the common areas and sidewalks. Motorized vehicles should follow the rules of the road. Please report any dangerous drivers to the police. The Association will file reports to hold parties responsible for damages to common areas.
Ada County Mosquito
Mosquitos are out. If you have concerns or need abatement you can reach out to Ada County at 208-577-4646.
Pet Etiquette
Please remember to keep your pet(s) leashed when not on your property, as well as picked up after. There is a Leash Law for dogs, but cats are also a problem. Help keep our common areas clean by not leaving behind pet waste.
Section 5.15 of the CC&Rs notates that the primary purpose of the garage on each lot is for the parking and storage of Automobiles. Once your garage is full of Automobiles, then you may park in your driveway.
Pool Reminders
Please help us have a great swimming season by knowing the RULES and adhering to them. They are for everyone’s enjoyment and safety!
- No oversized inflatables!
- Do not let people in without a key.
- The pool is not your babysitter. Kids must be 13 years of age to go alone, and if under 13, they must be accompanied by someone 18 years and older. A 13-year-old sibling cannot watch a younger sibling.
- Please be courteous to others also at the pool! No throwing toys or balls over others or across the pool
- Use headphones, not everyone likes your music.
- Use appropriate plastic swim pants for those still potty training. Basic swim diapers are not enough (they leak) and this causes pool shutdowns.
Upcoming Events
If you’re interested in organizing an event for the community, please reach out to HOA@brightoncorp.com. You may view upcoming events online at: https://www.homesteadeagle.com/events/.
June 10 – Spring Garage Sale
July 4 – 4th of July Parade
September 9 – Fall Garage Sale
Categorised in: Newsletter
This post was written by Brighton Corporation