March 2023 Community Newsletter
Annual Meeting
It’s time to take volunteers for the Board of Directors election that will take place at this year’s annual meeting. This will be our first resident elected Board. If you are interested, please fill out the Board Volunteer form by no later than March 31st. After that we’ll send out information on the candidates and hold a meeting to get to know the candidates prior to the annual meeting. A letter will be coming out soon with more information.
NO Dogs OFF Leash
Dogs are required to be on a leash at all times, except when in your own yard. Even if your dog is very nice, your neighbors could be allergic, scared, or it could be the one time they misbehave. We’ve noticed that people are leaving their dog waste bags around some of the common areas, and it’s quite sad in our community. You chose to have a dog, so be responsible and take it with you. We all greatly appreciate it!
Spring Forward
Spring is right around the corner, even if it doesn’t feel that way quite yet. Make sure to set your clocks forward on March 12th, for daylight savings, and start preparing yourself for landscaping maintenance. Please don’t blow leaves or clippings into the streets. It makes a mess of the streets and storm water drains, and just blows all over other yards.
Irrigation Water
There’s been lots of questions on when water will be delivered. Our community receives water from New Dry Creek Irrigation. Water turn on is estimated around April 15th, but we’ll send out updates as we get closer.
Community Events
Keeping a community together through the years is best done with fun, meaningful community activities. We’ve created a new online calendar to post events to. We’re always looking for volunteers to help coordinate these activities. If you have an interest in doing an event in the neighborhood, let us know by reaching out to management via email:
Upcoming Events
If you’re interested in organizing an event for the community, please reach out to
May 22 – Pools Open
June 10 – Spring Garage Sale
September 9 – Fall Garage Sale
Categorised in: Newsletter
This post was written by Brighton Corporation